Is your SEO in dire peril? A common cause for sinking SEO rankings is poor site architecture. Just as accountants want their numbers displayed in neat, decipherable columns, search engines look for logically organized website architecture. Those who have it get more exposure. Those who don’t, get a B grade or lower.
Don’t blame Google or Bing. Without the major search engines ranking Internet content, we would be drowning under a tsunami of low-quality, junk content.
Let’s put it another way: Don’t let your site visitor play the role of Hansel and Gretel, following a trail of bread crumbs only to give up and navigate away because your website’s navigation is confusing.
In reality, there are a significant number of people who have innate navigational deficiencies. We all have shared a chuckle or two over those YouTube videos making fun of senior citizens who become flustered by website architecture. Yet, the same people that tend to become disoriented on a hike through the forest will also be the ones to get lost on the Information Highway.
That’s why it is so important to choose an SEO provider that not only understands site architecture, but also understands something about human psychology. After all, search engines don’t walk into your Main Street shop and plunk down a credit card. Real flesh-and-blood people are the customers who open their wallets while interacting with your shopping cart.
You want people peeping at your webpages, not bits of code sifting through your website. Leave the breadcrumbs for those starving mice. Make sure your site’s navigation leads your website visitor to the shopping cart.