Even if it’s been a while since you’ve been in school, you’ve heard about procrastination.
From the time we’re little, we learn that procrastination should be avoided at all costs. But let’s face it, we all do it from time to time and we might as well learn from it. Now, let’s give ourselves some credit, we don’t do it ALL the time. This is the key to procrastination. Think of the last time you DIDN’T procrastinate. When did you jump on the ball and finish a task right way? Now think of the last time you DID procrastinate. What were your reasons for pushing it aside till the last minute?
Sometimes, if you’re writing a report, procrastination happens because you can’t think of what to write about. This is a common reason for not wanting to do a task right way. It may not be a good one, but it says some things. First, it says that you actually care about the project. If you can’t do it right away, you put it off. This can mean that you care about the quality of work that goes into what you are working on. Yes, sometimes done is better than perfect, but if you’re trying to maintain a high quality standard sometimes now is just not the right time to do it. Creativity doesn’t come on demand.
What else could your procrastination be saying? Well, your brain could be telling you that you aren’t the right person to be doing it. This could mean you don’t have the skills to do it or you aren’t passionate about what you are doing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a project in anyway, pushing it back makes sense.
You may be wondering why a blog about web development is talking about procrastination. Again, there are always takeaways. Websites take time and energy. Don’t expect greatness overnight.
The other takeaway from this is if you are procrastinating building your website, maybe it’s because you aren’t the right person to do it. Your passion might be your business, not the web development required to get you online You might not have the skills for the project either. If you’re procrastinating, your brain might be telling you to hand the project to someone else who can do it better!
Stop procrastinating and contact us today, we’d love to help you get started!