Whether you fancy yourself a social media expert, or you’ve just begun dabbling in a space or to for a brand or organization, it’s vital to keep up with the constant shifts and evolution that’s inevitable within each platform. One thing we all know and love about social media is that it’s always changing. Want to ensure you’re a step ahead the rest of your associates? Check out some amazing statistics from each of your favorite platforms.
Twitter’s fasting growing demographic is users that fit in the 55-64 age bracket.
46% of Twitter users tweet at least once a day.
78% of Twitter users are mobile.
More than 20 billion photos have been shared on Instagram to date.
Almost 25% of all teens consider Instagram their favorite social network.
50 million users signed up for Instagram in the last 6 months.
Almost 200 million Facebook users only access the platform from a mobile device.
The 45-54 year age bracket is the fastest demographic on Facebook. (Just like Google+.)
72% of all online adults visit Facebook at least once a month.
The most common reason unlike a Facebook pages is due to uninteresting posts.
YouTube reaches more U.S. based adults between the ages of 18 and 34 than any cable network.
There is an average of 1 billion YouTube mobile video views per day.
6 billion hours of video is watched on YouTube per month.
Google+ is the second biggest social media network, second only to Facebook.
The 45-54 year age bracket is the fastest demographic on Google+. (Just like Facebook.)
53% of interaction between a G+ user and a brand on G+ is positive.
Every second LinkedIn welcomes 2 new users.
LinkedIn has over 300 million users.
The average time a user spends on LinkedIn per month is 17 minutes.
80% of all Pinterest users are female.
23% of Pinterest users use it at least once a day.
92% of Pinterest pins are created by women.