You’ve written the most amazing blog post. You published it on your site and promoted it via social media. Then, why is nobody reading your blog post?
Perhaps you need to start leveraging email marketing. In fact, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways you can communicate directly with your customers, as long as it is done correctly. Here are some tips to make sure your emails engage your audience from start to finish.
Write a short, attention-getting subject line
The subject line is actually the most important part of your email. It’s the first thing your reader sees and it needs to be compelling enough to make them want to click. A good rule of thumb is to make sure your subject line is short (only about 5-10 words maximum) and creative. Hook your readers with a question, a unique fact, a current news trend or something else that will catch their interest.
Make the email conversational
No one wants to read an email that is too promotional and does not relate to them. Incorporating a conversational tone will allow you to connect better with the reader and engage them until the end.
Keep the copy to around 2-3 small paragraphs
Studies show that the attention span of your audience is about less than a minute when it comes to email. This means you got to make the copy tight and straight to the point. This will allow your audience to quickly read your email so they then in turn will visit your website.
Include a high-quality photo
According to research, emails have a higher conversion rate when a photo is included. A great place for the photo is at the top of the email before the text or on the top right or left of the email.
Include a call-to-action
After your audience is done reading your email, what do you want them to do? Make sure your call-to-action is clear at the end of your email. Many successful marketers include a link to a landing page or to an article as their call-to-action.
Send often, but not too much
If you send out too many emails, you will end up getting a lot of unsubscribers. To avoid that, send out your emails at least once or twice a month at the minimum and no more than once a week at the maximum. How often you send out emails will largely depend on the nature of your business and the content you are pitching in your email.
Following these tips will help to improve the effectiveness of your email marketing and can ultimately increase the amount of traffic on your website. If you have any questions about conducting a successful email marketing plan, leave a comment below and we’ll be glad to help you out.