Unfortunately, there isn’t really one thing that you can do to be a good online marketer — there are many. You have to know your audience, you have to be watching the trends and you have to be able to problem solve. And that's just scratching... (Read More)
When it comes to ranking websites for design, user experience and so on, Apple’s website is usually tops the list. Now, they have done something to make it rank even higher. Apple has made a small shift in their website—so small you may have not... (Read More)
If you’ve ever played around on Google you know that Google tries to guess what you are searching for. This can make for some good laughs and you can learn a lot about what people are Googling on a regular basis. We decided to look at what people... (Read More)
The feat of creating or revamping a website can be overwhelming. We've dug up some inspirational quotes to help motivate and get you through the process. Enjoy!
"In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to... (Read More)
More than likely your business is on social media. Hopefully you know why, but maybe you just know you should be doing it and that's why you are. If that’s the case you should still be glad that you're on social media because it has enormous... (Read More)
People say pictures are worth a thousand words. This isn’t true — at least when it comes to your website. As important as visuals are, your website's content is more important. This is because content increases search engine optimization and... (Read More)
Web developers talk about the need to have a good "user experience" all the time. Do you really know what user experience means? Do you know what constitutes a good user experience? We've compiled a small list of things that contribute to a user's... (Read More)
Twitter is its own animal in the social media world. It has its own schedule and needs. Here are some things you may not know about Twitter:
An hour is a key time when it comes to Twitter. A tweet has a lifetime of about an hour. This is the... (Read More)
SEO experts are like human thesauruses. They know a thousand different ways a person might search the topics surrounding their company. Can you imagine if SEO experts were like that in everyday situations?
Imagine being in their head:
An... (Read More)