Google “social media tips,” and you’ll find a lot of valuable information about how to be successful in social media. Things like tailoring your content to each platform (no cat videos on LinkedIn, please!), posting consistently and responding... (Read More)
Marketers spend a lot of time obsessing over mobile — social media, mobile marketing, mobile email marketing, etc. These are all extremely important, but what most marketers forget is what a lot of people are using their phones for —... (Read More)
One of the most important parts of good web design is to make sure your website looks great on all devices, including your desktop, laptop, smartphone and tablet. When looking at each of these platforms, you will need to ask yourself: What is the... (Read More)
What do you think the most important part of a tweet is: the text, the picture, the hashtag or the link? If you picked the picture you're spot on. While things like hashtags and text are important, the picture is what is going to get your tweet... (Read More)
Just about every business these days is talking about search engine optimization (SEO). A simple Google search on SEO will provide tons of stories and testimonials from companies who swear it brings in more traffic to their website than any other... (Read More)
It’s probably the first thing you look at when you wake up and the last thing you look at before you go to bed. You’re probably checking it constantly at work, at the grocery store and during your day-to-day activities. At this point, you... (Read More)
We know running a business isn’t the only thing you have on your plate, and that alone is a big plate. You’ve got family, friends, networking, keeping up with the industry and a lot more. Because of this it is sometimes easy to let social media... (Read More)
Even if it's been a while since you've been in school, you've heard about procrastination.
From the time we're little, we learn that procrastination should be avoided at all costs. But let’s face it, we all do it from time to time and we might... (Read More)
Crafting together the perfect email to send to your large list of subscribers can be intimidating. Saying just the right thing, making it look perfect and everything in between takes a lot of work and it can be frustrating when your open rate is... (Read More)