We’ve set up a small quiz to help you determine whether or not you need a new website or even a “facelift.” Make sure you answer honestly.
True or False: I am satisfied with my website. |
On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you... (Read More)
Web developer speak really is its own language. But don’t worry! This post is here to help you understand what your web developer means when they say CSS or nesting (and no it doesn’t mean birds will be nesting on your website).
Here are a... (Read More)
Marketing is a vast world with many strategies and tactics. It can be confusing to try and shift through, and it is all right to admit you are confused about something. One question we get a lot is what is PPC? So check out PPC 101.
PPC stand for... (Read More)
Web developers are creative. That is why they are web developers — they creatively develop beautiful things.
But even we have a hard time being creative ALL the time. Here are some great ideas we like to use when we're stuck. Give them a try... (Read More)
The color palette for your website is extremely important. It says a lot about your company and your culture.
Colors bring out emotions and your visitors will relate those feelings toward your company. Make sure you are giving your customers the... (Read More)